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Vinpower and Phihong have upgraded the award winning iXCharger, offering 140W power with 2 USB-C connections and 2TB of data storage, to be shown at the 2024 Computex.

The original multiple award winning iXCharger 65W, which provides expanded storage memory capacity, while enabling critical charging capabilities, for laptops (PC & Mac), smartphones and tablets (Apple iOS and Android), gets a major upgrade in the iXCharger 140W. The upcoming iXCharger 140W will offer 140W of power, 2 separate USB-C connections, with up to 2TB of data storage, which will be showcased at the 2024 Computex tradeshow, in Taipei, Taiwan, Jun 4th – 7th, at booth number J0310.


JMicron and Vinpower will Introduce the World's First 10Gbps Portable SSD Compatible with Apple iOS at Computex

JMicron Technology Corporation, in collaboration with Vinpower, Inc., have developed the first of its kind Enhanced 10Gbps Portable SSD (PSSD), using the collaboratively developed iVP817 IC Chip, that's compatible with Apple iOS devices supporting the iPhone iAP2. The PSSD offers super-fast Read/Write (R/W) data transfer speeds and is the first of its kind to provide Secure, High Powered, High-Speed backup and storage across all computing platforms, which includes the Apple iOS platform, as well as Android, PC, MacBook, Chromebook and more. While the R/W transfer speeds for USB flash storage devices compatible with smartphones and tablets typically range from 20 MB/sec to 80 MB/sec, the enhanced PSSD achieved verifiable R/W transfer speeds at more than 800 MB/sec with an iPhone 15Pro and 15Pro Max. That means, when using the enhanced PSSD with Vinpower's iAP2 based App, one could backup a 10 GB video, from an iPhone 15Pro or 15Pro Max, in around 12 seconds. On top of that, the PSSD will accommodate a range of NVMe SSD with varying form factor lengths and capacities up to and exceeding 8 TB of secure storage.


Best flash drives for backing up your iPhone in 2024: USB-C, Lightning and every other storage connection you might need

Sure, the best iPhones have more and more storage capacity squeezed into their SSDs. But with higher quality photos, high resolution video capture, and advanced apps and games demanding more and more iPhone storage space, you can quickly fill up even the largest of iPhones.


Vinpower iXflash Dual USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C and A Up to 2TB Flash Drive

Vinpower, Inc. showcased at the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), another advancement to its line of Apple mobile iOS (iPhone/iPad) storage products.


Vinpower, Inc., to introduce a 100W up to 1.5TB iXCharger at CES 2024.

The iXCharger is the first universal charging plus storage cube, offering the ability to simultaneously charge the battery and provide extended storage memory for virtually all smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers. All content can be viewed, accessed, and shared between these devices. Plus, it provides automatic secure AES 256 encrypted key backup through our proprietary iOS APP for an iPhone or iPad.

The End

The iXflash allows you to watch movies or listen to music when streaming is not available

Ownership of content doesn’t have the same necessity as it did in the past. With so many streaming sites for both video and audio content so readily available, why buy the latest album or movie when you can seemingly stream it at a whim? That’s fine, but what happens when you’re in a place where you don’t have access to the internet, which means you don’t have access to those streaming platforms? How will you entertain yourself? You could download all that programming onto your iPhone or iPad before you set off on this adventure, but who has the added space to fit all that extra content, with all your podcasts and plethora of Apps filling up your device’s memory.





Vinpower推出開創性的iXCharger獲得2024 CES最高殊榮的最佳創新產品獎



Vinpower’s iXCharger was awarded the prestigious CES Innovation Awards for the 2024 CES Tradeshow

The CES Innovation Awards program, is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in 29 consumer technology product categories. Those with the highest rating receive the “Best of Innovation” distinction. An elite panel of industry expert judges, including members of the media, designers, engineers and more, reviewed submissions based on innovation, engineering and functionality, aesthetic and design, which the iXCharger was selected.






正如最近的《Storage Newsletter存儲通訊》中所列,Vinpower最新發明之一: 用於保護資料備份裝置之備份資料的行動裝置及其資料保護方法,取得了美國專利證號US 11755423 B2。這項新的專利發明是一種從iPhone或iPad建立安全照片/影片備份的方法,只有擁有授權的裝置才能存取檔案。如此一來,我們的iX系列產品(例如 iXflash、iXflash Cube 和即將推出的 iXCharger)用戶就可以安全備份其授權的iPhone或iPad上的照片/影片,並且可以放心,沒有人能從任何其他未經授權的裝置來取得其中的內容。


iXflash Lightning to USB-C支援最新的iPhone 15,透過USB-C連接可以直接將錄製的影片儲存至iXflash

蘋果一直以來都鼓勵iPhone和iPad用戶將他們的照片和影片儲存或備份在蘋果專用的iCloud上。但這次,他們強調最新的iPhone 15 Pro和Pro Max具備支援外部存儲的功能,對蘋果來說這是一個重大的改變。他們已經認識到,直接將影片儲存在外部設備上,不僅可以擴大使用容量,還可以加速後期剪輯,直接將拍攝的內容傳輸到其他電腦或編輯工作站。


The iXflash Lightning to USB-C works with the latest iPhone 15 with a USB-C connection to record video directly to the iXflash

For years, Apple has pushed iPhone and iPad users to backup and store their photos and videos in their proprietary iCloud. For the first time ever, they are touting the ability of the latest iPhone 15 Pro and ProMax to allow for physical external storage. This is a big departure for Apple, recognizing the importance of being able to increase video capabilities by being able to directly record to an external storage device to both increase storage capacity and expedite editing capabilities by directly taking the filmed content to a separate computer or editing bay.


Vinpower 為您客製化專屬行動隨身碟,且可搭配iOS Apple APP使用!

我長期以來一直不斷地稱讚Vinpower 的行動快閃記憶體系列,如iXflash和iXflash cube 。不過我從未公開提及,我們其實有提供專屬的OEM/ ODM客製化服務,讓其他公司也能擁有行動隨身碟類別的產品。我們一手包辦了設計和整個行動隨身碟的所有細節,包括強大的Apple iOS APP,因此我們能為您的公司客製化專屬的行動快閃記憶體,並以您的品牌和指定的外觀進行販售。


Vinpower can OEM/ODM your own line of mobile flash drives, complete with iOS Apple APP!

I’ve long touted the advantages of Vinpower’s line of mobile flash drives like the iXflash and the iXflash Cube. What I haven’t mentioned publicly before is that we also offer OEM/ODM opportunities for other companies to also have their own line of similar mobile flash products. Because we design and create virtually every aspect of the drive, including the immersive Apple iOS App, we can create a unique line of mobile flash drives for your company to sell under your own brand and appearance.


CES 2024 is sure to be in peak form and Vinpower will be there with our latest offerings, be sure to register early

If this years CES participation is any indication, this coming 2024 CES should be absolutely packed with exciting new technology and industry insiders on hand to be the first to see the hottest new technology coming to the market. For that purpose, Vinpower will also return as an exhibitor and introduce a bevy of new and updated product lines that will continue our focus in digital storage, but highlight the new and inspiring directions we are moving into for the future. If you want to be part of the action at CES 2024, taking place January 9 – 12, 2024, then be sure register for your passes now.





今年、iPhoneは最大のスマートフォンブランドになると予想されており、iXflashとiXflash CubeはiPhoneユーザーにとってさらに重要です。

最近のいくつかの記事では、AppleのiPhoneが今後発売されるiPhone 15モデルで最大のスマートフォンブランドになる可能性があると報じられています。これは多くの人々にとって驚きではないかもしれませんが、それはAppleがスマートフォン市場で続けて支配する存在であることを示しています。しかし、Appleは自社のiCloudサービス以外のストレージツールを提供していません。iCloudの利用料金と完全な信頼性への懸念を抱えて、まだ多くのユーザーがiCloudサービスを避けています。そのため、iXflashシリーズやiXflash CubeシリーズはiPhoneユーザーが知っておくべき非常に重要なデバイスです。これら2つのデバイスは、iPhoneまたはiPad上で保存されているすべての写真、動画、連絡先を簡単かつ安全にバックアップ、保存することができます。


iPhone 預計將成為今年市占率最高的手機品牌,將使iXflash和iXflash Cube成為重要的產品

最近許多報導都在宣稱,隨著iPhone 15的推出將使iPhone有望成為市占率最高的手機品牌。也許這項消息是在意料之中,卻也顯示出iPhone將持續主宰整個手機市場,然而,除了iCloud服務外,蘋果仍未提供其他方式將資料儲存在iPhone裝置。且還是有相當多的iPhone使用者不願意支付或不完全信任將資料儲存在iCloud,這也是為什麼iXflash和iXflash Cube系列產品對於iPhone使用者來說如此重要,這兩款裝置將備份和儲存iPhone / iPad上的照片、影片、甚至通訊錄,變得輕而易舉。


The iPhone is anticipated to be the largest smartphone brand this year making the iXflash and iXflash Cube even more critical for iPhone users

A number of recent articles have all proclaimed that Apple’s iPhone is poised to become the largest smartphone brand with the release of the upcoming iPhone 15 model. That may not be a surprise to many, but it highlights Apple’s continued dominance in the smartphone market, yet Apple still offers no easy way to offload content stored on the iPhone other than using their iCloud service. There are still quite a number of iPhone users that either don’t want to pay for nor fully trust storing their content on iCloud. That’s why the iXflash and iXflash Cube series are so important for iPhone users to be aware of. Both devices make it extremely simple to backup and store all the photo, videos, and even contacts stored on an iPhone or iPad.



iXChargerは最近、「最も革新的なフラッシュメモリコンシューマー」として2023 Flash Memory Summitで受賞しましたが、それは一体何なのでしょうか?自分の成果が認められることに誇りを持っているが、顧客は製品に共感することができなければあまり意味はありません。だからこそ、私たちはアニメ動画を作ることにしました。iXChargerがどんな商品か、そして、市場をリードする消費者向け革新製品として価値を詳しく説明します。 以下のリンクをクリックして、アニメ動画をご覧ください。ノートパソコンやスマホ、タブレットをお持ちの方々、どうぞお見逃しなく!


觀賞2023年Flash Memory Summit獲獎的iXCharger影片,了解為何這個備受矚目的產品獲得評審的青睞

iXCharger在2023年Flash Memory Summit上榮獲「最具創新性的快閃記憶體消費性產品」獎項,但它到底是什麼呢?獲得獎項的肯定讓我們備感殊榮,但如果無法讓人對產品產生共鳴,這些獎項的肯定也就顯得沒那麼有意義。因此,我們製作了一段簡潔明瞭的動畫短片,向各位介紹iXCharger這項具開創性且即將引領市場趨勢的新產品,告訴大家它結合了多少創新的概念,以及為什麼能夠獲得眾多獎項的青睞。


Video of 2023FMS award winning iXCharger

Watch the video of the 2023 Flash Memory Summit award winning iXCharger to see why it’s a winning concept.


iXCharger は、FMS2023「最も革新的なフラッシュメモリコンシューマー」を受賞しました。

初出展の展示会に参加する際、特にFlash Media Summitのような専門イベントでは、自社製品がどのように受け入れられるかはわかりません。しかし、業界の巨人たちが私たちの今後のiXCharger(65Wから1TBまでパワー+ストレージチャージャー+ハードドライブ)に非常に好意的だったことは驚きでした。FMSで初めて展示したにも関わらず、権威ある審査委員会がVinpowerを「最も革新的なフラッシュメモリコンシューマー(Most Innovative Flash Memory Consumer)」部門で表彰する価値があると認めました。これは私たちが最新のストレージ分野で取り組んだ画期的な進歩を確固たるものとしています。 産業界や学術界から多くの訪問者が小間を訪れ、「2つのアプリケーションを見事に融合させた素晴らしさ」に感銘を受けました。実際、彼らの中には過去にこのコンセプトを試みた人もいましたが、私たちのような実用的な製品を作ることはできませんでした。


Vinpower的新產品iXcharger 在今年FMS榮獲「最具創新快閃記憶體」獎項

你永遠不知道你的產品在參與一場大型展覽會時如何被大眾接受,特別是在獨具專業的FMS(快閃記憶體高峰會)中,我們非常驚訝能夠得到如此崇高的頭銜,特別是我們即將推出的新品iXcharger,一個擁有65瓦電力、存儲容量最高達1TB,是結合充電和行動硬碟的多合一產品。雖然這是我們第一次參與FMS盛會,知名的評委團仍對我們有高度讚許,並將Vinpower的iXcharger評選為「最具創新快閃記憶體」,而這也證明了我們往存儲的新領域邁進了一大步。 在我們的展位中有許多來自各個業界的專業人士,都對於我們能將兩項技術做結合感到非常驚艷。事實上,在之前就有很多人想過這個概念,只是無法像我們一樣做出實品。


Vinpower was awarded “Most Innovative Flash Memory Consumer” for the iXCharger at the FMS2023.

Vinpower was awarded “Most Innovative Flash Memory Consumer” for the iXCharger at the FMS2023.

When you participate in a new tradeshow, you never know how your products are going to be received, especially for a specialized industry event like the Flash Media Summit. We were pleasantly surprised at how receptive these titans of the industry were, especially with our upcoming iXCharger, 65W up to 1TB power + storage charger and hard drive in one. Even though this was the first time we exhibited at the FMS, the prestigious judging committee saw fit to award Vinpower with the “Most Innovative Flash Memory Consumer” for the iXCharger, solidifying that we are indeed moving in the right direction with our latest breakthrough in the storage field.


Flash Memory Summit: Vinpower Introduces USB-C Flash Drive that Supports iOS Storage Applications

This is a Press Release edited by on August 8, 2023 at 2:01 pm

Firstly, the latest version of the MFi licensed iXflash series offers a dual head, Lightning connection on one side and a true native authentic iOS supported USB Type C on the other. The Lightning connected side will continue to work with all supported iOS Lightning connected devices. However, with the EU mandating a USB-C port to become mandatory for all mobile phones and tablets in 2024, the iPhone and iPad will have to switch from a Lightning connection to USB-C connection in the near future.


Vinpower, Inc., developed the first of its kind native USB-C flash drive that supports iOS storage applications, amongst its many innovations, for Flash Memory Summit

Vinpower, Inc. will be exhibiting the latest advances to our iXflash, iXflash Cube, and upcoming iXCharger series at the Flash Memory Summit August 8th through 10th, 2023 located at booth # 658. The iX series are storage devices that provide valuable backup for iOS devices but offer so much more.




APEC 2023 Overview: Technology and Challenges

Silanna Semiconductor showcased the latest expansion of the company's CO2 Smart Power product portfolio, including AC/DC products like the SZ1131 fully integrated high-efficiency ACF controller, high-frequency DC/DC buck converters, power SiP and the innovative AnyPort architecture, which simplifies the development of multi-port products.


This tiny laptop charger has a 1TB SSD and automatic backup functionality

What do you get when you cross a power charger with a 1TB portable SSD? The iXCharger, a 65W compact charger with 1TB of built-in storage and automated backup features.


Vinpower To Show iXcharger Charging Cube And Backup Storage At Computex

Vinpower, Inc., through a strategic alliance with Phihong Technology and Silanna Semiconductor, has developed the first universal charging cube, which offers the ability to charge the battery and provide extended memory for virtually all mobile smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers, called the iXCharger. The patented iXCharger is a compact 65W up to 1TB storage power charger, using a specialized third-generation semiconductor GaN technology and ACF controller to provide higher power density and ensure fast heat dissipation in a smaller package, to enable fast, secure, and more efficient charging for mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. However, the iXCharger offers more than superior charging capabilities, it also utilizes an added large-capacity storage component that creates a 2-in-1 solution for both charging and storage. Those that use Apple iOS devices, the iXCharger has a free APP that provides automatic photo, video, and contact backup for iPhones and iPads each time they are plugged into the iXCharger. Instead of having to use both an external hard drive and extra power adapter, the iXCharger creates a single entity that works across a broader set of platforms and devices than current technology offers.


Vinpower developed the world’s first 1TB 65W GaN charging cube & backup storage

Vinpower, Inc., through a strategic alliance with Phihong Technology and Silanna Semiconductor, has developed the first universal charging cube, which offers the ability to charge the battery and provide extended memory for virtually all mobile smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers, called the iXCharger. The patented iXCharger is a compact 65W up to 1TB storage power charger, using a specialized third-generation semiconductor GaN technology and ACF controller to provide higher power density and ensure fast heat dissipation in a smaller package, to enable fast, secure, and more efficient charging for mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. However, the iXCharger offers more than superior charging capabilities, it also utilizes an added large-capacity storage component that creates a 2-in-1 solution for both charging and storage. Those that use Apple iOS devices, the iXCharger has a free APP that provides automatic photo, video, and contact backup for iPhones and iPads each time they are plugged into the iXCharger. Instead of having to use both an external hard drive and extra power adapter, the iXCharger creates a single entity that works across a broader set of platforms and devices than current technology offers.

The End

With the iXflash Cube, you don’t need to buy a new iPhone because your current iPhone’s memory is full.

Recently, there was yet another article on how the cloud is vulnerable and that we shouldn’t rely on it solely. In the below article, it mentions how a cloud service had a major power outage in one of their US data centers that “…impacted all power supply sources, including the backup generators, which in turn caused a cascading issue and resulted in degraded performance.” Because of this incident, their customers were unable to access their content for quite some time and it’s not certain if any of the content was permanently lost.


有了iXflash Cube,即使當前iPhone的內存已滿,也無需購買新iPhone

以下是關於iXflash Cube好處,來自一個親戚的真實故事。我前陣子探望姑姑和姑丈時,姑姑告訴我,她必須購買最新的iPhone,因為她的iPhone只使用了2年,但是拍了很多照片,所以存儲空間已經用完,即使她刪除了一些照片,仍不斷地跳出 iCloud存儲空間已滿的訊息。因此,她選擇購買容量更大的新iPhone,並將資料轉移。


With the iXflash Cube, you don’t need to buy a new iPhone because your current iPhone’s memory is full.

Here’s a personal antidote regarding the benefits of the iXflash Cube taken from a real life story of a relative. While visiting my aunt and uncle recently, my aunt told me that she had to buy the latest iPhone because her previous iPhone, which was only 2 years old, had ran out of storage due to all the pictures she took. She said she kept getting messages that her iCloud storage was full, even after she offloaded a number of images. Instead, she opted to buy a new iPhone with a larger capacity and transfer the content from one iPhone to the other.





OPTODISC 提供解決方案給擁有彩印機並希望能夠在CD裸片上印刷的客戶



Have an Offset Printer and want to be able to print on shiny silver top CD’s, OPTODISC has the solution

Offset printers have been a strong alternative to standard silkscreen printers. They allow many more options in colors, while being easier to use and cleaner than silkscreen, but the problem has always been the difficulty in printing on shiny silver CD’s. Typically, shiny silver CD’s become damaged from the offset process due to the pressure and heat created when applying the color film to the disc. Unlike DVD’s, CD’s only have 1 layer of plastic with dye on top. So when the offset printer rolls over the dye layer of the silver lacquer CD, it often causes the dye to peel off killing the CD and creating a cleaning nightmare for the offset printer operator.



2022年4月22日はアースデイであり、私たちの地球と家を考えて教育と行動する日です。 光ディスクはクラウドよりも環境に良いと思うのはおかしいと思われる人もいるかもしれませんが、光ディスクはプラスチック製ではありませんか?クラウドは目に見えないストレージではありませんか?確かに、光ディスクは少量のプラスチックでできるものですが、クラウドストレージや大規模なデータセンターは地球に無害という主張は真実ではありません。実際、むしろ逆です。クラウドコンピューティングを実行する世界中のデータセンターと運営企業は、エネルギーの最大の消費者であり、温室効果ガスの排出や不可逆的な気候変動に関わる責任者です。現在、データセンターで使用されるエネルギーは、全世界のエネルギー消費量の3%を占めており、これは、コールドデータとホットデータを保持するサーバーの維持にのみ使用されます。</p





Live Video from the iXflash allowed me to film my son’s entire performance

I often share stories or hypothetical scenarios that happen or could happen to others. Well here’s an exception where I share a personal experience in which the iXflash was extremely helpful to me. My 2 sons are in their middle school band and chorus respectively. Recently, the school had its first performance in more than 2 years dues to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, it was a big deal for the school, the students, and especially the parents to not only have an opportunity to see our children perform in person, but to return to some semblance of normalcy. As required by the parents handbook, I planned to film the entire recital, approx. 1 hour of performances. Therein lies the problem!








For Earth Day, lets think about the planet and store more content on optical discs instead of on the Cloud

This Friday, April 22, 2022, is Earth Day and it was created to educate everyone about what we can do to protect and preserve our planet and our homes. Some of you may think I’m crazy by suggesting that optical discs are better for the environment than the Cloud. Aren’t optical discs made out of plastic and the Cloud is an invisible storage in the sky? Well, even though it’s true that optical discs are made from a small amount of plastic, it’s not true that cloud storage and large data centers are harmless to the planet. In fact, just the opposite. Data Centers, which is what runs the Cloud and businesses all over the world are one of the largest consumers of energy, which is a major culprit in emitting greenhouse gases and other factors leading to irreversible climate change. Currently, Data Centers account for 3% of the total energy used around the world just to maintain servers that hold both hot and cold data.









私が最近読んだスーザン・エンフィールド(Susan Enfield)の「2022年に何枚の写真が撮られるのか」という記事は、写真を撮ることへの執着と、写真の撮り方、保存に関する意味について論じています。スマホを持っている人なら誰でも、少なくとも私にとっては、スマホの主な役目は写真を撮ることです。問題は、皆様は大量の写真を撮り、解像度が高いほど、ファイルサイズが大きくなり、ほとんど削除されずにスマホに保存しているようです。クラウドサービスのバックアップ機能を使用する人が確かにいますが、ほんのわずかな割合です。通常、画像は削除されるまでずっとスマホに残している、もしくは大容量のスマホを購入して画像を転送して保管する。ほとんどの人は、携帯電話以外の安全に画像を保つ便利な方法はわかりません。


世界備份日始於 2011 年,趕快備份您的重要資料!



World Backup Day started in 2011, but the meaning is just as important today – Back-up your content!

So much of our lives revolve around digital content. Many people now keep a majority of their pictures, movies, music, games, finances, work files, and so much more stored as digital files, typically all in a single location like a computer or in cloud storage. The problem with that, is if anything ever happened to that item or cloud service where all these items are stored, then you could have your entire inventory of content wiped out in the blink of an eye. I’m not here to promote doom and gloom, and the odds may be low, but it’s incredibly easy to make a simple backup of all these files that would give you piece of mind and the security to protect your most important digital content. It could be as simple and keep 2 external hard drives that are synced frequently and kept in two completely different locations.






我最近讀到的一篇文章“2022年將拍攝多少張照片?”,作者 Susan Enfield 討論了我們對拍照的痴迷以及這些照片的拍攝、儲存方式及其意義。每個擁有智慧手機的人都知道,它的主要功能是拍照,至少對我來說是如此。問題是,人們拍攝大量照片,解析度越高,檔案大小也因此更大,且從不將它們從手機上移除。當然,有些人使用雲端服務來備份它們,但也只是一小部分的人。實際上,圖像通常會保存在手機上,直到有人刪除它們,或者您購買容量更大的手機並將圖像傳輸過去。大多數人都希望有一種簡單、便利的方法來傳輸這些圖像,以確保它們在手機之外的安全,但卻不知道如何使用。


An estimated 1.5 trillion pictures will be taken in 2022, where will they store them all?

A recent article I read, “How Many Photos Will be Taken in 2022?”, By Susan Enfield discussed our obsession with taking pictures and the trajectory of how those pictures are taken, stored, and what it means. Everyone that has a smartphone knows that its primary function is to take pictures. At least that’s been my experience. The problem is, people take tons of pictures, with higher resolutions and therefore larger file sizes, and never take them off their smartphones. Sure, some people use some form of cloud service to back them up, but even that’s a small minority of the overall population. In reality, the images typically sit on the phone until someone either deletes them or you buy a phone with more memory and transfer the images there. Most of those people would love to have an easy hassle free method to transfer those images to keep them safe outside their phones, but aren’t aware of a method how.








With skyrocketing prices for virtually everything, watching movies at home is both economical and entertaining.

It seems like the price of everything has increased dramatically recently. I was shocked to learn that the value of my car, which is nothing special, is worth more now than what I paid for it in 2017. The problem is, the cost of gas, eating out, and entertainment has increased dramatically. The overall expense to go out is getting more and more prohibitive making those special occasions, even more reclusive. So how can you still have an entertaining evening with family and friends without breaking the bank? Why not stay home and make it a movie night? Most people already have a suitable large screen TV, why take advantage and catch up on classic movies or maybe there’s something new you’ve been meaning to watch but never had time. Personally, I am enjoying watching movies from my youth with my kids to get their perspective and see if they are still as enjoyable as I remembered them being.



光ディスクProdiscは30年以上にわたって非常に人気のあるグローバルブランドであり、他の多くのブランドと同様に、合併や買収によりマーケットから消えてしまった。しかし、少しの間でProdiscが戻ってきました! Prodiscは現在日本で販売されており、その優れた品質と安定性で注目を集めています。 同DVD-RおよびCD-R製品ラインが北米市場に参入し、まもなく米国で利用可能です。



我碰巧看到了一個由朋友和行業主要人物Tony Van Veen製作的YouTube影片,他是一間光碟製作公司的執行長。在影片中,他討論最近音樂CD銷量的上升是僥倖還是趨勢。從他的評估來看,有證據證明音樂CD銷量的小幅飆升是一種成長趨勢,而不僅僅只是流行趨勢。我們也同意他的看法。光碟製作公司使用自己的市場數據進行音樂CD複製和重新訂購,而Vinpower也透過出售拷貝設備給獨立音樂家而看到可錄製CD的銷售量出現了正增長。透過用於預估壓片CD零售數量的Soundscan數據,我們看到2021年的銷售額出現了增長,這是自2004年以來從未發生過的。從獨立藝術家和企業進行拷貝和壓片的統計數量,其中包含了重要的音樂CD,可以看出它正在急速增長。



光ディスク市場が終わるという誤った言い方がよく耳にするのですが、2022CESにおいて光ディスクには依然として多くの関心が集まりました。 市場は2000年代半ばのピークから衰退していることを認識していますが、需要はまだ存在する。優位性が持つ光ディスクを提供するメーカーが少なる一方で、Vinpowerは市場が増加していると主張しています。 Vinpowerは、高品質の光ディスクに焦点を当てる少数企業の1つであるため、CESトレードショーで世界中の来場者から展示した光メディアへの関心が高まりました。


iXflash Cube是最完美的備份好夥伴,快來看看這段新影片

除非您沒有閱讀我們每週的電子郵報,否則您可能對我們最新產品iXflash Cube 很熟悉。 當然,只光聽(或讀到)我們不斷地談論它的易用性以及備份iPhone或iPad的好處,不如直接看看影片的介紹,這也是為什麼我們製作了這段新影片,您可以透過以下YouTube連結觀看: </p


The iXflash Cube is the perfect backup companion and this new video shows its key benefits

Unless you’re not reading my weekly email blasts, you are probably familiar with me touting our latest product, the iXflash Cube. Of course, hearing (or reading) me go on and on about how easy it is to use and the benefits of backing up your iPhone or iPad doesn’t carry the same weight as watching a video showing how easy it is to use and why it’s so useful. That’s why we created this quick video that you can watch from the below YouTube link:



最近、人気のある技術ブロガーから、パソコンOSの更新がうまくいかず、パソコン内蔵ハードドライブに保存されていたコンテンツ全部がほぼ削除されたという話を聞きました。 Microsoftは慣例となって、Windows 10 20H2を対象にOS更新プログラムをリリースしています。みんなはそれを経験したと思いますが、通常は更新が完了するのを待つだけです。でも、更新後にこのブロガーがパソコンの電源を入れようとしたとき、デスクトップには何も表示されず、ファイルも見つかりませんでした。パニック状態で、彼らはデータを回復するためにいくつかの方法を試みました。一般ユーザーではなく、非常に技術に精通した人物である彼らは、幸いで、最終的に失われた資料をなんとか回収することができました。特に技術的な専門知識を持たない人たちにとっては、すべてを失う可能性があるでしょう。


在CES 2022展會期間,光碟片得到強烈回響



2022CESにてApple iOS iPhone / iPadストレージソリューションであるiXflashシリーズに関する最新のインタビューをお届けします

2022年CESショーの期間を一日短縮されましたが、VinpowerのiXflashラインナップ(iXflash USBと新商品iXflash Cube)に大きな反響を呼びました。 今年も2021年と同様に、iXflashシリーズについてMcLartyFilmsのCarlMcLarty氏からインタビューを受けました。 iXflash Cubeの使いやすさと利点、および近い将来の新商品開発について説明しました。



我最近從一位人氣科技部落客那裡聽到一個關於作業系統更新出錯並幾乎刪除了她存儲在電腦內存硬碟上所有資料的故事。微軟對 Windows 10 20H2 進行了標準的作業系統更新。我們都做過更新,通常只需等待更新完成。當這位部落客在更新後打開電腦時,發現桌面上什麼都沒有,也找不到任何文件。在恐慌中,他們嘗試了多種方式來恢復資料,請注意,這是一個非常精通技術的人,而不是普通用戶。最終,他們總算恢復了丟失的資料,但,極有可能,特別是對於沒有技術專長的人來說,將丟失一切。


It’s critical to protect important files on an extra hard drive to prevent accidental loss

I recently heard a story from a popular tech blogger about when an operating system update went awry and nearly deleted all the content she had stored on her computer’s internal hard drive. Microsoft implemented a standard OS update to Windows 10 20H2 and is customary. We’ve all gone through it and typically it’s nothing more than us needing to wait to use the computer while the update takes place. In this case, when the person went to turn on their computer after the update, there was nothing on their desktop and they couldn’t find any of their files. In a panic, they tried multiple tricks to recover the data, mind you this is a very tech savvy person, not the average user. Finally, they were able to eventually recover the missing data, but there was the possibility, especially for someone without the technical expertise, to have lost everything.



2022年CESショーはある程度回復するはずでしたが、新たな変異ウイルス オミクロン株によって変わりました。多数の大手企業はリアル参加が断念し、一部の企業のブースには現場スタッフおらず、参観者が自分で商品紹介を読み取るためにQRコードを設置されました。 CESは2年ぶりにその扉を開き、2022年1月5日水曜日に、Vinpowerは挑戦に立ち向かい、チャンスをつかみ、世界最大のテクノロジー見本市に参加しました。


Vinpower在2022年CES對iXflash系列Apple iOS iPhone/iPad存儲解決方案的最新採訪

儘管 2022 年 CES 展會被縮短了,但Vinpower對iXflash系列(包括既有的iXflash和新推出的iXflash Cube)產生了巨大的迴響。今年,與2021年一樣,我們接受了來自McLarty Films的Carl McLarty 針對iXflash系列進行的採訪。我們討論了iXflash Cube易用性和優勢,以及在不久的將來iXflash產品線的新進展。


Check out Vinpower’s latest interview from the 2022 CES about our iXflash series of Apple iOS iPhone/iPad storage solutions

Even though the 2022 CES tradeshow was abbreviated, Vinpower had a tremendous response for our iXflash series, which includes the original iXflash and the new iXflash Cube. This year, as in 2021, we were interviewed by the tech savvy influencer, Carl McLarty of McLarty Films about the iXflash series. We discussed the true ease and benefits of the iXflash Cube as well as the new advances coming to the standard iXflash line in the near future.


在最新一輪COVID疫情爆發中,Vinpower 和 2022 CES展仍堅持不懈

2022年CES展本應恢復至一定程度,但因為Omicron 變異株的出現,產生了變化。由於COVID,許多大公司都退出了,甚至有些公司只展示了一個沒有現場工作人員的攤位,提供二維碼給觀展者自己掃描。CES堅持並在兩年內第一次打開了大門,2022年1月5日,星期三,Vinpower在那裡迎接挑戰,抓住機會並參與這個電子產業的巔峰之作。


Vinpower and the 2022 CES tradeshow persevered through the latest bout of the COVID outbreak

The 2022 CES tradeshow was supposed to be a return to normalcy in a way, but the omicron variant had other plans. With numerous major companies pulling out and even some who didn’t exhibiting little more than a virtual presence with no staff and a do it yourself maze of QR codes due to COVID related concerns, CES persevered and opened its doors for the 1st time in 2 years on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Vinpower was there to face the challenge and great those attendees that also took a chance and participating is the pinnacle for the electronics industry.



12月に私たちの家にある伝統と言えば、70年代のアニメーション、ストップモーション、クレイアニメ映画を見ることです。A Charlie Brown Christmasのような映画、Arthur Rankin, Jr.とJules Bassのクリスマスクレイアニメ映画、「Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer」、「Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town」、「Jack Frost」など一度は耳にする名作品。これらの映画は、月間中において、放送TVや「無料TV」で定期的に放送されていましたが、最近、多くの有料ストリーミングサービスがクラシック作品を取得し、有料放送し始めていた。例えば、A Charlie Brown Christmas はAppleTVに買収され、AppleTV以外では放送されません。月額料金が高いか、番組コンテンツが豊富ではないか、もう他のストリーミングサービスを利用しているかなどの原因に関わらず、Apple TVを購読しない限り、このクラシック作品が見えません。

The End


我們家在12月有一項傳統,就是觀看70年代的動畫和定格電影。像是查理‧布朗的聖誕節、Arthur Rankin, Jr. 和Jules Bass的聖誕黏土動畫電影,如” 紅鼻子馴鹿魯道夫”、 “聖誕老公公快來了”、”冰霜傑克”,等等流行的節日經典。這些電影在整個節日月經常透過廣播電視或免費電視節目上頻繁播放,但最近,一些付費的串流媒體開始收購這些經典電影作品,且付費的觀眾才可觀看。例如Apple TV收購了查理‧布朗的聖誕節,現在除了透過Apple TV之外,這部電影無法在任何地方播放。這意味著如果您不訂閱Apple TV,也許因為月費太貴,且沒有足夠的節目來證明訂閱是划算的,或者您只是已經訂閱了其它12個影音串流平台,而您不想再多訂閱一個平台,那麼您就無法觀看這部經典動畫。


Best to keep copies of your favorite holiday movies on optical discs, as they are not always available when you want to watch them.

One tradition we have at our house in December is to watch the animated and stop motion Claymation movies from the 70’s. Movies like A Charlie Brown Christmas, the Christmas Claymation movies from Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass, like “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”, “Jack Frost”, plus so many other popular holiday classics. These movies were run frequently on regular broadcast over the air TV or “Free TV” throughout the month, however recently, a number of the pay streaming services started acquiring these classics and broadcasting them exclusively for their paid content audience. For instance, Apple TV acquired A Charlie Brown Christmas and now it cannot be shown anywhere except through Apple TV. That means if you don’t subscribe to Apple TV, because it’s too expensive, not enough programming to justify the cost, or you simply have 12 other video streaming platforms you already subscribe to and can’t justify adding another, then you can’t want this animated holiday classic.


CES 2022本番まであと1か月、Vinpowerの一番大きなショーを開催できることに興奮しています。

デジタル方式で実施されたCES 2021を含め、Vinpowerは15年以上にわたってCESに出展してきました。リアル開催が復活するCES 2022では、Vinpowerは史上最大のブースを展示する準備ができています。南ホールの主力出展社としてから、今年は大きな飛躍を遂げ、業界のリーダーとともに中央ホールに出展することになります。このために、私たちはブースのリニューアルを行い、CESにVinpowerは新たな装いと新製品を紹介します。


Vinpower的 Pioneer BDR-212V藍光燒錄機滿足每個人的需求

Vinpower Digital與Pioneer Corporation 合作,獨家推出的Pioneer BDR-212V 16X內接BD/DVD/CD半高型燒錄機(ODD),無論您搭配哪種硬體使用,它都是一台完美的燒錄機。您可以搭配電腦、手動塔式拷貝機使用,或是我們的ROBOT PLUS型號,可使用於自動拷貝機中。憑藉BDR-212V的附加優勢,例如增強了DVD±R的燒錄特性,幾乎消除了”甜甜圈”、卓越的藍光寫入策略以及與針對自動拷貝機使用的修改,它確實滿足了所有內接式燒錄機的需求。


Vinpower’s Pioneer BDR-212V drive offers something for everyone

Vinpower Digital’s exclusive Pioneer BDR-212V 16x internal BD/DVD/CD Half Height Optical Disc Drive (ODD), in collaboration with Pioneer Corporation, is the perfect ODD regardless of what hardware you’re using it in. It’s been a great benefit for those whether you plan to use it as an internal computer drive, with manual tower duplicators, or our ROBOT PLUS model in autoloaders. With the BDR-212V’s added advantages, like added DVD±R enhancements, virtual elimination of disruptive “donut rings”, superior Blu-ray writing strategy, and modifications to work with robotic autoloaders, it really fulfills nearly all requirements for anyone looking for a 5 ¼” internal writer drive.


すべてのファイルが確実に保護されるように、iXflash Cubeにはセキュリティ対策を構築する。



距離CES 2022還剩不到一個月的時間,Vinpower已迫不及待參與盛會



iXflash Cube增加了隱私安全措施,以確保每個人的檔案都受到保護



The iXflash Cube has added security measures to make sure everyone’s files are protected.

In Taiwan this past week, there’s a huge scandal where a politician and her boyfriend had a huge dispute that led to possible criminal charges and certainly joint lawsuits against each other. The reason for the utter downfall of both their relationship and their sanity was due to infidelity on both sides. The reason any of this came to light was because of a shared mobile backup device that they didn’t realize they shared and discovered intimate secrets held on their phones.


今年、iXflash CubeがiPhone/iPadユーザーに絶対に喜ばれるおすすめのプレゼント!

性格がいたずら好きか優しいかに関わらず、大切な思い出を失いたくない気持ちは一緒です。 そのため、iXflash Cubeは、iPhone/iPad(iDevice)をお持ちの方へのプレゼントとして最適です。 iXflash Cubeは、iDeviceユーザーに最も効率的で便利なバックアップソリューションを提供するように設計されています。 これ以上なく簡単な使い方。iXflash Cube専用アプリを一回にインストールし、アプリの指示に従い、設定します。それで、iXflash Cubeを充電キューブとケーブルに接続するだけで、iDeviceに接続、充電するたびに、すべての写真と動画が自動的にバックアップされ、安全に保存されます。





iXflash Cube 是今年送給iPhone/iPad使用者的完美禮物!

無論您的個性是淘氣的還是善良,您都不會想失去那些珍貴的回憶。這就是為什麼iXflash Cube成為送給iPhone/iPad(iDevice)使用者的完美禮物的原因。iXflash Cube是設計為iDevice用戶提供最有效和最方便的備份解決方案。使用方法非常簡單,只需要在第一次使用時按照APP指示設置,往後每次在為您的iPhone/iPad充電時,將iXflash Cube連接上充電頭及充電線,iXflash Cube就會自動將您所有的照片、影片備份。


The iXflash Cube makes the perfect gift for anyone with an iPhone or iPad this year!

Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, you never want to lose those memories. That’s why the iXflash Cube is the perfect gift for anyone with an iPhone or iPad (iDevice). The iXflash Cube was designed to be the most efficient and convenient backup solution for an iDevice user. It couldn’t be easier to use. Simply set up the iXflash Cube App 1 time, connect the iXflash Cube to your standard iPhone/iPad charging cube and cable, and then every time you plug your iDevice in to charge, you’ll automatically backup all your pictures and videos for safe keeping.



パソコンに保存されている映画をiPhoneやiPadにロードしたいと思ったことはありませんか? iTunesに保存されていない音楽や、iPhoneやiPadにロードしたいがApple iOSで対応されていない音楽がありますか?iPhoneやiPadで修正されるファイルをパソコンに行ったり来たりすることができたらいいのにと思いませんか?それらの操作方法がわからない、または実現できないと思ったあなたに良い知らせがあります。



最近發表的一篇文章(請參考下方連結),內容完全符合我們15年來一直在宣導的事:光碟是最安全、最具成本效益且最相容的儲存媒介。正如這篇文章所指出,”磁性儲存媒介—硬碟和磁帶的數據會因磁區老化而破壞數據的準確性。經驗證,光碟片並不會隨著時間改變,因此有很長的保質期,無需擔心資料毀損。” 所以,如果光碟片被證明比磁帶或磁性硬碟的壽命更長,那麼將光碟片使用在最基本的存檔需求上不是更勝一籌嗎? 這樣便能夠長時間儲存,且能在往後準確地查看這些檔案。


Why aren’t optical disks the top choice for archive storage?

An article came out recently, find the link below, that is completely inline with what we’ve been touting for more than 15 years. Basically, the gist is that optical discs are the safest, most cost effective, and is backwards compatible. As the article so articulately points out, “With magnetic storage media—hard drives and tape—the magnetically stored data degrades, causing bit rot, which undermines the accuracy of the data.” While it’s been proven that optical discs, “…do not change over time and therefore have a very long shelf life without worry about bit rot.” So if optical discs are proven to last longer than tape or magnetic hard drives, aren’t optical discs superior in achieving the most basic of archiving needs, to be able to store content for an extended period and then be able to accurately access that content at a later date?



最近、ゲーム機から自動車に至るまで、さまざまな電子製品が品薄していることに気づいたかもしれません。確かに、問題の一部はサプライチェーンの混乱によるのですが、より深刻な問題は半導体の不足です。あらゆるものに半導体は使われるわけではありませんが、半導体なしだとほとんどの電子製品を作ることはできません。 モルガン・スタンレーの調査によると、92%の企業に半導体不足の影響を与えられ、新車をはじめ、パソコン、そして小さなチップで制御する他の多くの家電製品に至るまで生産が遅れています。これも短期的なジレンマではありませんが、商務省によると、この不足は2023年まで続く可能性が大きいようです。



有沒有想將儲存在電腦裡的電影加載到iPhone或iPad上,但不知道怎麼做的經驗? 您是否有未存在iTunes上的音樂或Apple iOS不支援的音樂格式,但想轉存到iPhone或iPad? 您希望能從iPhone或iPad上修改工作相關的文件,且可以從電腦來回傳輸這些文件嗎? 您了解趨勢了嗎? 如果您曾經想將任何類型的檔案傳輸到iPhone或iPad上,但不知如何傳輸或發現無法實現,我有個好消息要告訴您!


The iXflash makes it easy and fast to transfer files from an iXflash onto an iPhone or iPad

Ever wanted to load a movie stored on your computer onto your iPhone or iPad, but don’t know how? Do you have music that’s not stored on iTunes or in a format Apple iOS doesn’t support that you want to load to an iPhone or iPad? Wish you could modify work related files from your iPhone or iPad that you can transfer back and forth from your computer? Do you get the trend, if you ever wanted to transfer nearly any type of content onto an iPhone or iPad and either don’t know how or found it’s not possible, then I have good news for you!



您可能已經注意到,最近各種電子產品短缺,從電子遊戲到汽車。當然,部分原因是由於供應鏈中斷,但更大的問題是缺乏半導體。並不是說所有的東西都是由半導體製成,但是沒有半導體,就無法製造大多數的電子產品。” 根據摩根士丹利調查,92%的公司都受到半導體短缺的影響,從新車到電腦,再到其他一系列需要微型芯片運行的消費電子產品,都延遲生產。”這不是一個短期的困境,根據商務部的說法,這種短缺可能持續到2023年。


iXflash Cubeは如何に安心感をもたらすか、動画で分かる…

以下のiXflash Cubeに関するYouTube動画を観ると、iPhoneやiPadのユーザーにとってどれほど便利であるかがわかります。 写真が千の言葉に値するなら、動画は少なくとも写真の10倍の価値が持つでしょう。これ以上説明する必要はありません。動画をご覧ください。iXflash Cubeはあなたに安心を与える完璧なソリューションであることに同意していただけると思います。


iXflash Cubeは、iPhone/iPadを充電するたびに安心感をもたらす。



觀看iXflash Cube影片,了解iXflash Cube如何解決您的煩惱

觀看以下有關iXflash Cube的Youtube影片,您會看到它對於任何使用iPhone/iPad的人來說是多麼的方便。如果一張照片勝過千言萬語,那麼一段影片的價值更是無價之寶。在這種情況下,我無需多做解釋,觀看影片,我相信您會同意iXflash Cube是多麼完美的iPhone/iPad備份工具!


The iXflash Cube gives you peace of mind and this video explains how…

Check out the below YouTube video about the iXflash Cube and you’ll see just how easy and beneficial it is for anyone with an iPhone and/or iPad. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video has got to be worth at least 10 times that. In that case, what more could I add? Check out the video and we’re sure you’ll agree, the iXflash is the Perfect Solution to Give you Peace of Mind!


每次您將iPhone或iPad充電時,iXflash Cube都能讓您高枕無憂!



The iXflash Cube provides peace of mind every time you charge your iPhone or iPad!

The reality is, smart phones and tablets are our default cameras. We always have them with us and we use it to take pictures of everything from life affirming events to the meal we’re about to eat. Now consider that more than 80% of those people never backup that content and those images reside on their smart device indefinitely. The problem is, 70 million smartphones are lost each year, with only 7 percent recovered. That means roughly 80% of those 70 million people will lose all those images forever with no recourse.


Consumer Technology Association (CTA)は、CES 2022にて対面式イベントの参加者にCOVID19の予防接種証明書の提出を義務付けることを発表しました。

Vinpowerは、2022年1月にラスベガスで開催されるテクノロジー展示会CESに出展を再開します。1年前のオールデジタル展示会を経験してきたが、CES 2022はラスベガスコンベンションセンター(LVCC)でリアルイベントを開催されることになります。しかし、CESトレードショーを主催するConsumer Technology Association(CTA)は最近、「COVID-19ワクチン接種の証拠を提出するようにリアルイベント出席者に要求する」とプレスリリースをしました。 CTAではまた、COVID19の予防接種証明書提出の代替要件として抗体検査の陽性証明の受け入れについても検討している。


Next Week Vinpower will unveil a new product that’s been in development for a while and finally ready!

For every relationship, a little intrigue and suspense helps spice things up. So we wanted to give our friends a little advance notice that we aren’t waiting until CES to unveil our latest project, but will make the announcement to all of our followers first. This is a project we’ve been planning to introduce for a while, but had a delay due to the global pandemic. We have finally finished production and we’re just about ready to show it off. I can tell you that the new item will remain in our wheelhouse of storage related products, the rest you’ll have to wait and see next week.





美國消費電子產品協會 (CTA)發出公告,所有參加CES 2022的人都必須出示疫苗接種證明才可入場

Vinpower將參加2022年1月在拉斯維加斯舉辦的CES貿易展。經過一年的休展和線上虛擬展覽,CES將在拉斯維加斯會議中心恢復現場實體展覽。然而,主辦CES的美國消費電子產品協會(CTA)最近發佈了一則新聞稿 ”(CTA)將要求所有參加CES展覽的人員都必須提供COVID-19疫苗接種證明。””CTA還在評估是否接受抗體檢測呈陽性的證明做為替代證明…”


The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) sent out an announcement that all attendees to CES 2022 have to show proof of vaccination for in person entry.

Vinpower will resume exhibiting at the CES tradeshow in Las Vegas in January of 2022. After a year layoff and virtual exhibition, CES will resume in person exhibition at the Las Vegas Convention Center. However, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), that puts on and runs the CES tradeshow has recently put out a press release stating, “(CTA) will require in-person attendees to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.” “CTA is also assessing the acceptance of proof of a positive antibody test as an alternative requirement …”






我覺得自己像跳針的唱片一樣喋喋不休地提醒,但這件事情真的非常地重要。使用雲端來儲存您的重要資料是一種有用且簡單的方式,但這不應該是您唯一的方法! Samsung去年宣布他們將關閉雲端服務,並刪除所有在2021/11/30之前沒有刪除的內容。


Samsung shutting down their cloud service, once again showing how important it is to have a physical backup of your digital content

I feel like a broken record, but the message is not any less important. The cloud is a useful and easy method to store your digital content, but it shouldn’t be your only method! Samsung announced last year that they are shutting down their cloud storage service and deleting any content that is not removed by November 30, 2021. That means if you inadvertently forgot to transfer the content you had stored on the Samsung cloud and didn’t have another backup solution, you could permanently lose all the content stored on their cloud.





The Pandemic has showed how important little moments in life are, Vinpower offers the products that allow you to keep, share, and build more memories

Prior to 2020, if you were like me, you didn’t realize how much you took for granted. Just being able to gather with friends anywhere anytime was something I never imagined would become restricted or complicated. So when things began to open up and we could venture out and participate in mundane activities, like going to a sporting event, taking the family to an amusement park, taking a vacation, or just eating at a local restaurant, I recognized how important those things were to our everyday health and mental wellbeing.











Vinpower carries multiple lines of exclusive highly rated professional grade optical disc drives for the duplication market!

During the pandemic and the mandated stay at home orders implemented around the globe, the duplication market had decreased due to lack of content and methods of distribution. As the spread of the virus decreased significantly in most countries and people began to carry on more normalized lives, the duplication market also saw a sizeable uptick in production and demand. With increased business, the need to maintain equipment and secure replacement drives also became a factor and Vinpower is proud to offer a line of exclusive professional grade optical disc drives that were developed specifically for the high volume duplication market.


iPhone / iPadに挿入されたiXflashで撮影した動画は、直接に編集ソフトウェアにアップロード、編集ができます。






As air travel numbers are steadily increasing back towards pre-pandemic numbers, the iXflash is the perfect travel companion.

Summer season is typically travel season as vacationers near and far pack up their gear and take to the skies. After the pandemic all but grounded most people for an entire year, as infection rates are rapidly decreasing, people are flocking to airports to fly the friendly skies again. The TSA Checkpoint for US traveler flight throughput shows American airports are seeing numbers quickly approaching the 2019 pre-pandemic volume*.



人手一支手機的時代,我們很常用手機或是平板來拍攝影片。無論你拍攝影片應用於社群媒體、網購、娛樂、或家庭日常等,如果要將這些影片上傳發佈,那麼通常需要將影片傳輸到第三方影片編輯軟體來剪輯。要做到這一點,意味著用戶必須找到某種方法將原始影片傳輸到帶有影片編輯軟體的設備上,而這本身就是一個大工程!如果 iXflash能輕易完成,我們何必還要經歷這些麻煩的步驟呢?


Using an iXflash to film video through your iPhone/iPad means you can directly upload the video to a video editing software without the extra steps.

Video content is everywhere and we’re all creating it through our phones and tablets. Whether you’re creating video content for social media, online retail listings, entertainment, home videos, etc., if you’re creating the content to post, then frequently that content has to be transferred to a 3rd party video editing software to create the final cut. To do so, more often than not, means the user has to then find a way to download the raw video footage onto the device with the video editing software and that could be a full production in itself! Why go through the hassle when the iXflash makes it so easy?


Vinpower VDX-1是一款輕巧方便、經濟實惠、效能極大的微型自動拷貝機



自分を制限させないで、iPhone / iPadストレージを増設するiXflashに思う存分記録が可能。









Don’t limit yourself, the iXflash extends the memory on an iPhone / iPad for longer videos and more pictures.

Most of us have experienced the dreaded storage full warning, letting us know we don’t have enough memory on our iPhone or iPad to take any more photos or videos. No matter what size device you get, there’s no way to add any additional storage. So you either give up on taking the photo or video, or you frantically try to delete and unload stored pictures, videos, and Apps to free up space. With the iXflash, you don’t have to worry about any of that.



多くの人々の生活には音楽が欠かせないです。ある音楽やアルバムを聞くと、昔の思い出が蘇ったり、悲しい出来事を乗り越えたりする経験があります。そういう訳で、Spotify、Pandora、Apple Music、Tidalなどの音楽ストリーミングサービスが非常に人気があることは理解できます。無限の音楽を無料や月額制で聴くことは本当に素晴らしい発想です。しかし、聴きたいアーティストやアルバムが、そのストリーミングサービスで配信されない場合はどうなるでしょうか。


Vinpower offers special media packaging for hassle free shipment for online orders

Even though brick and mortar retail locations are again fully open to the public, many consumers are still more comfortable ordering products online. The problem with online orders for items with more fragile packaging, like individual spindles of optical discs, is making the decision between cheaper packaging that could cause the product to break and therefore incur returns, or the added cost of safer packaging, possibly increasing your costs too high for the market. It’s a very delicate balance between ensuring the safety of your product during shipping and managing your costs to make your product price competitive.



最近,我們收到了一位客戶對我們Plexdisc 藍光光碟片留下了5星評價。這種狀況很常見,因為我們的Plexdisc BD-R於許多在線零售商中獲得了壓倒性的正面評價。這個評論者的特別之處在於他給出五星評價的理由。以下為實際的分享內容:



Vinpower Digitalは先週、MoserBaer光ディスクの新しい独占ラインナップをリリースしました。初期は主に記録可能なCD/DVDのSafariとZebraシリーズを南、北アメリカ、アジアの一部、ヨーロッパなどの特定マーケットで販売されることにします。昨年、VinpowerはMoserBaerの基本製品シリーズであった光ディスクとフラッシュメモリ(USB/SSD)を対象商品として生産の買収、引き継ぎを行いました。顧客ニーズを満足させるために、Moser Baerストレージ製品ラインには、ハイエンドのプロフェッショナルグレードと価格重視のコンシューマーグレードが含まれています。



音樂是許多人生活中重要的一個部份。音樂襯托生活,某些歌曲或專輯能將您帶回某些情境,或者幫助您渡過像是心碎或失去摯愛的困難時期。因此,像Spotify、Pandora、Apple Music、Tidal等音樂串流服務平台如此受歡迎,確實是有道理的。可以免費或者以固定支付月費的方式盡情收聽音樂,真的是個很棒的主意。但有一個問題,如果您想聽的音樂家或專輯在某個串流服務平台甚至是在所有的平台上都不能聆聽,那該怎麼辦呢?


The iXflash expands your musical choices, when some artists choose not to stream…

Music is a big part of many people’s lives. Music is the soundtrack to our lives and certain songs and albums bring you back to special events in our lives or helps you through difficult times like heartbreak and the passing of a loved one. So it makes sense that streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Tidal, etc. are so popular. The idea that you can listen to an endless stream of music for free or for a set monthly fee, what a concept. But there’s one problem, what if the artist or album you want to listen to isn’t available on that streaming service or any streaming service for that matter?


Vinpower Digital 宣布Moser Baer強勢回歸,推出新款 CD / DVD空白光碟片

Vinpower Digital於本周宣布推出Moser Baer光碟片獨家產品線。初期產品以Safari和Zebra系列的CD和DVD空白光碟片為主,於南、北美、亞洲部分地區及歐洲等特定市場開賣。去年,Vinpower收購並接管了Moser Baer基礎系列產品之生產,主要有光碟片及快閃記憶體,包括USB和SSD等儲存產品。為了滿足數據存儲用戶的所有需求,Moser Baer存儲產品線包括高端的專業級產品與價格取向的消費級產品。


Vinpower Digital announces the reemergence of Moser Baer with new recordable CD and DVD offerings.

Vinpower Digital announced the release of the new exclusive line of Moser Baer optical disc media this week. The initial offerings will focus on the Safari and Zebra lines of recordable CD’s and DVD’s in select global markets across North and South America, parts of Asia, and Europe. Last year, Vinpower acquired and took over full production of the most common slate of Moser Baer media commodities, primarily optical discs and flash media, including USB and SSD storage products. In order to accommodate the full complement of digital storage users, Moser Baer’s digital storage product lines include both high end professional grade media along with more price sensitive consumer grade items.


Plexdisc line of Digital Audio CD-R now available for greater music recording

There are still a large number of people that enjoy creating their own music compilations or creating backups to their music library onto CD’s. For those people, the Plexdisc line of Digital Audio CD-R disc provides the best quality and compatibility for audio/music content recorded on optical discs. As mentioned in previous email blasts, Digital Audio CD-R’s have a unique quality that make them more reliable and offers greater compatibility, especially with standalone recorders, than standard recordable CD’s. Because of this, Vinpower recognized the lack of recordable Digital Audio CD’s in the market and believed it was important to the market to ensure there are high quality reliable recordable Digital Audio CD’s available for those that recognize the importance and value.


市面上最好的DVD燒錄機 Pioneer BDR-212V,佳評如潮獲得一致好評!

自從我們在2020年發佈獨家燒錄機Pioneer BDR-212V以來,獲得非常多的反饋。關於212V在燒錄DVD的出色表現,我們收到許多的讚賞和好評!212V燒錄機的燒錄品質和壽命給使用者留下深刻的印象,使其成為燒錄的最佳首選,不僅是燒錄藍光光碟片,更佳使用於DVD光碟片。由於這是一台藍光燒錄機,向下兼容燒錄DVD和CD,這樣的概念可能顯得有些不合時宜。但,為什麼還會有人花更多的錢來燒錄DVD呢?





Digital Audio CD-R比一般的CD-R更適合用來錄製Audio音樂

什麼是Digital Audio CD-R?為什麼我會這麼關注呢? 對於大多數人來說,在可燒錄CD進化的階段,只有一種CD-R,您可以將任何內容燒錄其中。在大多數的狀況下,您可以使用電腦將資料、音樂、影片等燒錄到任何標準的CD-R光碟片上。不同品牌之間的品質可能不同,但CD就是CD。


Digital Audio CD-R are better for recording Music/Audio compared to standard CD-R

What is Digital Audio CD-R and why should I care? For most people, at this stage in the recordable CD evolution, there’s only one type of CD-R and you can record anything on to it. For the most part, that’s correct, you can use a computer drive to record data, music, video, etc. onto any standard CD-R media. There may be varying degrees of quality between brands, but a CD is a CD.






最近、Verizonは、VerizonWirelessおよびVerizonFiosのユーザー向けに新しいVerizonクラウドサービスを導入しました。月額$ 19.99で無制限のストレージを利用できます。携帯電話で写真や動画をどんどん撮っていくので、これは良いツールのように思え、ストレージ容量の不足を心配する必要はありません。もちろん、Apple、Google、Amazon、Dropboxなど、さまざまな容量を提供するクラウドストレージサービスがあります。しかし、肝心な問題は、サービスを使い始めると、使い続けるために永久的な月額料金を支払わなければならないことになります。 iXflashを使用すると、自分で自由に大量の写真と動画を管理でき、継続的な出費がありません。





Using an iXflash is easier and cheaper than transferring content stored on the cloud

Recently Verizon introduced a new Verizon cloud service for Verizon Wireless and Verizon Fios subscribers, with unlimited storage for $19.99 a month. As we take and store more and more pictures and videos with our cell phones, that may sound like a good deal so that you don’t have to worry about running out of storage. Of course, there are plenty of other cloud storage services available for varying amounts of data quotas provided by companies like Apple, Google, Amazon, Dropbox, and many many others. But there lies the problem, once you start using one of these services, you tend to get trapped into continuing to use them and paying a perpetual monthly fee. With iXflash, you can control where you store all the hundreds or maybe thousands of pictures and videos you’ve taken and you won’t have continuous reoccurring fees.








March 31st is World Backup Day, to make sure you have the right archival media and hardware, Vinpower has your solution.

The importance of backing up your data onto a 2nd and even a 3rd source is so important that there’s a day dedicated to it every year. March 31st is known as World Backup Day, just to bring awareness and encourage everyone to back up their digital content. Vinpower has been an advocate of multiple backups from our inception, not just because it’s part of our business structure, but because we’ve been a victim of data loss and if we hadn’t had adequate backups, we would have been in deep…let’s say we would have had big problems.



如同我們一直宣導的,光碟不僅將繼續是一種可行的數據儲存方法,而且還將持續發展成為一種更大、更有效的大數據儲存方式。最近,網路上發表了一篇關於大幅提升光碟儲存容量的文章,您可以透過以下網址閱讀: 通常,我會用自己的話來解釋文意,但是因為文章很短,我把整篇文章PO出來供大家參考: 當地科學家發現了一種用於大容量數據儲存的新方法,從而讓”可攜式大數據中心”得以實現。 在這個資訊爆炸的時代,我們每天產生的數據量是超乎想像的。 據估計顯示,到2025年,全球總數據量將高達175ZB(Zettabytes; 1ZB等於10億Terabytes或1兆Gigabytes)。如果將175ZB儲存在藍光光碟片中,這些光碟堆疊起來會是從地球至月球距離的23倍高。 上海科技大學(USST)的科學家為下一代奈米級光學數據存儲提供了一種新方法,此方法可以在降低能耗的同時大大增加儲存容量。 他們將氧化石墨摻雜鑭系元素轉換成奈米顆粒,這些奈米顆粒是稀土元素及鑭系元素合成的,並且能夠將紅外線轉換為紫外線可見光。 利用奈米複合材料做為儲存介質,結合亞衍射光學寫入方法,科學家開發出直徑12公分、可以儲存700TB的光碟片,相當於28000張藍光光碟的容量。 這個新發現,讓我們距離開發低耗能、壽命長的新型光碟片更靠近一步。 張啟明教授表示,這個新方法有極大的潛力可以被利於大數據中心。 也許未來一個標準足球場大小的大數據中心,可以被一張光碟片取代。 上海科技大學博士後研究員西蒙妮˙拉蒙(Simone Lamon)表示,新的光學儲存技術可能會為人工智能技術發展提供極大的支援。他認為,這將引發一場資訊革命。 這項研究是由上海科技大學、皇家墨爾本理工大學和新加坡國立大學共同進行。該成果已發表在科學雜誌“Science Advances”上。 想了解更多產品,請參考以下連結: 想搜尋更多文章,請參考以下連結:



先週、2021年CESでMcLartyFilms CarlMcLarty氏からiXflashCubeに関するインタビューを受けた記事を載せました。そのインタビューを行っている間、iXflashの価値と利便性(特に動画を撮ることが好きな方に対して)について話し合いました。Carlは非常に感銘を受け、海外旅行中iPhoneに保存された動画を失った不愉快な出来事を語りました。当時、インターネットにアクセスできなかったため、動画をクラウドストレージにアップロードできませんでした。その後、ビーチにいる間、彼のiPhoneは水浸しになり、撮影した写真と動画をすべて失いました。あの時iXflashがあれば、事前にコンテンツをバックアップ済んでよかったのにとCarlは述べました。


Vinpower C.E.O Calvin Changは、新製品iXflashCubeのご紹介でCES 2021でインタビューを受けました。

2021年CES展示会はオンライン開催にも関わらず、Vinpowerは多くの関係者とマスコミの注目を集めました。そのようなインタビューの1つで、Vinpower C.E.O. Calvin Changは、McLartyFilmsのCarlMcLarty氏から、今年CESで宣伝する新製品であるiXflashCubeについてインタビューを受けました。 iXflash Cubeは、iOSアプリのご利用の上で、iPhone/iPad(「iDevice」)が充電してもiCloudと「iDevice」に保存されているすべての写真とビデオを安全かつ簡単にバックアップできる優れるアップルアクセサリーです。



上週,跟各位分享了2021 CES期間McLarty Films的Carl McLarty採訪即將問世的iXflash Cube相關報導。在採訪進行時,我們還討論了iXflash的好處以及它對使用者(尤其是喜歡拍攝影片的人)所帶來的便利性。採訪員Carl對它留下了深刻印象,並分享他出國旅遊時丟失iPhone裡所有影片的經歷。由於當時無法上網,因此他無法將影片上傳至雲端備份。後來,去到海邊,他的iPhone掉進水裡,導致遺失了所有檔案,包括他拍攝的所有照片和影片。Carl提到,如果當時擁有iXflash,就可以事先將iPhone備份,而不會丟失所有檔案。


You can take extended video and perform on the fly editing with the iXflash.

Last week, I shared an interview that took place during CES 2021 related to our upcoming iXflash Cube with Carl McLarty or McLarty Films. While conducting that interview, we also discussed the values of the original iXflash and how useful it can be for the everyday user, especially someone that likes to take a lot of videos. The interviewer, Carl was quite impressed and recounted a time when he lost all the videos he had on his iPhone while traveling abroad. Because he didn’t have internet access and therefore no access to the cloud, he couldn’t upload his videos to his cloud storage at that time. Later, while at the beach, his iPhone became waterlogged and he lost all the content, including all the photos and videos he took. He mentioned, if he had the iXflash, he could have backed up his content beforehand and wouldn’t have lost everything.


Vinpower's C.E.O Calvin Chang在CES 2021接受採訪,介紹我們即將推出的新產品iXflash Cube

儘管2021年的CES改為線上展覽,但Vinpower還是很幸運地吸引了不少相關人士以及媒體的注意。其中,Vinpower的C.E.O Calvin Chang接受了Carl McLarty of McLarty Films的採訪,內容是關於我們在CES上即將推廣的新產品iXflash Cube。


Vinpower’s C.E.O. Calvin Chang interviewed during CES 2021 for our upcoming iXflash Cube product

Even though the 2021 CES was all virtual, Vinpower was fortunate to still be able to catch the attention of a number of interested parties as well as press. In one such interview, Vinpower’s C.E.O. Calvin Chang was interviewed by Carl McLarty of McLarty Films regarding an upcoming product we promoted at CES, the iXflash Cube.



起業時、謙虚、決意、根気強い態度を抱えて、Vinpowerはガレージから始まり、今は、世界中に生産販売拠点を持つ有名なグローバル企業になりました。起業1年目に失敗する中小企業が少なくはないですが、創立20周年を迎え、力強く成長することは、私たちが大きな成果を喜んで祝っております。 そうは言っても、再販業者や顧客との安定的なビジネスパートナーシップがなければ、これは不可能でした。過去20年間、私たちと協力してくれたすべての人に感謝します。サプライヤー、パートナー達、そして顧客との信頼と感謝であり、これからも前進し続けます。この重要なマイルストーンを達成でき、私たちを助けてくれたすべての人々に感謝したいと思います。



数百万、数十億もの人が新型コロナウイルス感染症の対処にあたって、家に閉じ込まれ、パソコンや携帯電話などに時間をつぶす人は少なくはないでしょう。休日や在宅勤務をする際に、外出自粛生活のストレス解消を求めるために、頻繁にSNSやオンラインゲームにはまり、気づいたら画像、ビデオ、書類、音楽、映画など大量のデータでパソコンと携帯電話の容量を占めてしまいました。 新規大容量ハードドライブ購入の代わりに、古いデータやコールドデータを光ディスクに保存する方が安価且つ安心な保管方式です。





Vinpower is proud to celebrate 20 years in business and looks forward to the next 20 and beyond!

From humble beginnings and pure grit and determination, Vinpower rose from their garage roots to become a celebrated corporation with production and sales offices around the world. Given that most small businesses fail in their 1st year, to make it to 20 years and still going strong is a huge accomplishment that we are happy to celebrate.


台湾の有名なインフルエンサー3C Tim氏が紹介したiXflash製品レビューに多言語字幕を付けられます。

台湾の有名なインフルエンサー3C Tim氏が紹介したiXflash製品レビュー動画を始めて世界に発信した時、字幕がないため、中国語を話さない視聴者に概要説明を提供しました。結局、映画の内容を理解できなかったために、興味を持っていた多くの視聴者はiXflash商品を見送りました。多言語化して英語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、日本語など字幕を追加することによって、この問題を修正しました。





台灣知名Youtuber 3C Tim哥拍攝的iXflash開箱影片,現在提供多種不同語言的字幕囉!

第一次將3C Tim哥的開箱影片介紹給大家時,由於沒有字幕,因此我們必須為不會說中文的人提供摘要說明。最終,這讓許多對iXflash有興趣的朋友因為沒辦法理解影片的內容而受限。我們透過將多種語言(如英文、德文、西班牙文、日文)的字幕上架來修正這個問題。


The iXflash product review from the Taiwanese influencer 3C Tim is now available with subtitles in multiple difference languages.

When I first emailed everyone about the product review from the renowned Taiwanese influencer, 3C Tim, I have to provide a summary recap for those that don’t speak Mandarin Chinese, because there were no subtitles available. Ultimately, that limited the full scope of the audience we could reach. We’ve rectified that somewhat by adding translated subtitles for a number of different languages, such as English, German, Spanish and Japanese.




The End


このサービスを利用するかどうかにかかわらず、無料のクラウドストレージをすべて(メール、写真、Googleドライブを含めて)15 GBに制限するというグーグルの発表は、業界に多大な影響を及ぼします。高品質写真と動画の無制限クラウドストレージを提供する唯一のプロバイダーとして、グーグルは簡単に写真と動画をバックアップするルートを作成しています。これから写真や動画を無料のクラウドストレージにアップロードし続けますが、5年後になったら、すべてのアカウントストレージ容量を15GBに制限されます。私の場合が、まもなく15GBを使い果たしてしまうのです。写真と映像をいくつも保存したいが、高額な月額サービスに縛られたくない人にとってはどうすればいいでしょう?





Google is shutting down their free unlimited photo upload, good thing iXflash can support your photo backup needs.

Whether you use the service or not, Google’s announcement that they will restrict all free cloud storage to 15GB, which includes email, photos, and Google drive, is a huge blow to the industry. As the only provider of unlimited high quality photo and video cloud storage, Google created a great way to back up all of your photos and videos for literally nothing. After 5 years, they are not ending that service and restricting everyone to only 15GB’s of storage if you want to continue uploading your photos and videos to their free cloud storage. I don’t know about you, but I can exhaust that 15GB’s in no time, then where does that leave those of us that want to back up all our photos and videos, but don’t want to be chained to an expensive monthly service plan.






私が何回も強調しているように、クラウドが唯一のバックアップ形式であってはなりません。非常に多くの人々がクラウドは安全で無敵であると信じているのに、クラウド機能停止、ハッキング、ウイルス、または潜在的な脅威の影響を受けているという話を常に耳にします。絶対確実なものはないため、すべてのデータ保管を1つのバスケットに入れてはいけません。そうすると、iXflashは、Apple iPhoneおよびiPadユーザーにとって理想的なツールとお薦めします。 iXflashは、さまざまなiOSデバイスに保存されているすべての写真と動画、およびiCloudアカウントに保存されている写真と動画をすばやくバックアップできるため、データがより良い保護されます。









安全數碼卡,我們通常稱之為SD和MicroSD卡,是目前所有小型便攜式電子設備的通用存儲媒介。 SD或MicroSD卡用於手機、平板電腦、電視、相機、遊戲機、導航以及許多其他需要非常小型且穩定內存的設備。SD和MicroSD卡之所以如此受歡迎,是因為它們由極其耐用且堅固的材料製成,可以防止發生大多數機械損壞。它們基於非揮發性記憶體來確保數據的穩定性,並且不需要定期刷新或因突然斷電而導致故障。這就是為什麼它非常適合便攜式設備或存儲在易受元素和不穩定環境影響的設備中,其中包括用於汽車、飛機、輪船等設備的許多零組件。


台湾人気インフルエンサー 3C Tim氏が制作したiXflashの商品レビューは大いに話題となってから、ついに英語字幕を観ることが出来ます。

一ヶ月ちょっと前に、iPhone/iPad最強アクセサリーのiXflashに関して、YouTubeチャンネルで3C Tim氏の商品レビューを投稿したことがあります。中国語動画で言葉が通じないため、説明と評価が理解できなくて悔しいと感じる視聴者たちの悲鳴がわれわれは聞こえました。3C Tim氏チームと共同制作、翻訳し、ついに英語字幕を観えるようになります。再び下記リンクをご覧ください。初めての方も大歓迎です。



如同我不斷強調的,雲端不應該是您唯一的備份方式。許多人認為雲端既安全又無害,而我們又不斷地耳聞有關雲端受到中斷、駭客入侵、病毒或任何潛在威脅影響的故事,沒有什麼是萬無一失的,所以千萬不要將所有存檔放在一個籃子裡。因此,iXflash是任何Apple iPhone和iPad使用者的理想工具。 iXflash可以快速備份存儲在各種iOS設備上的所有照片和影片,以及存儲在iCloud帳戶中的照片和影片,讓資料多一份保護。


iCloud outage takes down backups and photos for some users, showing the need for the iXflash!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, or at least it feels that way. The cloud should not be your only form of backup. So many people believe the cloud is safe and invulnerable, while time after time we hear stories where the cloud is impacted, either through an outage, hacking, a virus, or any number of potential threats. Nothing is foolproof, so don’t put all your storage and archival eggs in one basket. That’s why the iXflash is the ideal tool for any Apple iPhone and/or iPad owner. The iXflash can quickly back up all the photos and videos stored on your various iOS devices as well as those already stored in your iCloud account, as an added form of data protection.








The benefits of SSD over HDD

When looking for a new hard drive, whether it be an external hard drive for added storage or an internal hard drive that runs your computers operating system, there are two options to choose from, a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). Often we’re accustomed to pick the version that offers the greatest memory capacity at the lowest price. Often times that’s the traditional HDD, however SSD offers far more benefits that far outweigh the difference in cost or capacity.


繼台灣知名網紅3C Tim哥對iXflash的開箱文受到廣大迴響後,英文字幕也上線啦!

一個多月前,我們分享了一篇iXflash的熱門介紹影片,介紹它是iPhone/iPad的理想配件。由於此影片完全是中文,因此許多觀眾不了解3C Tim哥對於iXflash的評論而感到遺憾。您的反饋我們收到了,我們與3C Tim哥的團隊進行協調,並且製作了整段影片的英文翻譯,上字幕到Youtube影片,您可以通過點擊以下連接,再次或第一次觀看該影片: 觀看影片時,請確保”字幕/隱藏字幕”功能已開啟。


After a tremendous response from Taiwanese influencer 3C Tim’s Chinese language review of the iXflash, we’ve now added English subtitles.

A little over a month ago, I shared a glowing review of our iXflash drive as an ideal accessory for anyone with an iPhone or iPad. Because the video review was entirely in Chinese, many of our recipients were disappointed that they couldn’t understand what 3C Tim was saying about the iXflash. Because of your feedback, we coordinated with 3C Tim and had the entire spoken text translated into English and posted onto the video review as shown on YouTube, which you can view again or for the first time by clicking on the below link:



按照每年慣例,雖然今年比往年晚了一些,蘋果公司將發表最新一代iPhone以及其他新產品計畫。由於新冠肺炎的影響,發表會比往年晚了一個月,情況雖然受到影響但盛況依舊。蘋果計劃在不久後發表新產品,重要的是,不僅是1、2款新的iPhone,而是總共4款新iPhone 12系列產品。這些產品主要區別在於每部iPhone的尺寸,當然它們都比以前發布的型號更具優勢。





The iXflash is compatible with the full new series of iPhone 12 mobile devices

As is customary every year, though a little later than usual, Apple touts their latest batch of iPhones along with other new inventive items they plan to offer to the general public. Due to disruptions because of COVID, the announcement was about a month later than normal, but the pomp and circumstances were still in full affect. Amongst other new or improved items Apple plans to release now or in the near future, the pièce de résistance was certainly not just 1 or even 2 new iPhone offerings, but a total of 4 new iPhone 12 versions. The main difference between the devices is the size of each iPhone, which of course all of them offer advantages to previously released models.








The iXflash can be extremely useful in an emergency

There are occasions when emergencies can arise and you have limited resources at your disposal. The iXflash can be a valuable tool for not only documenting important information, but also allowing you to pass that information along when there is no power or internet access available.


台湾人気が高いインフルエンサー 3C Tim氏はiXflashの愛用者!

台湾人気が高いインフルエンサー 3C Tim氏はiXflashの愛用者!


一部iOSユーザーの写真がAdobe Lightroom に完全削除されるという重大なバグ!iXflashで日常バックアップするなら、随時復旧が可能!



Popular Taiwan influencer, 3C Tim, reviewed the iXflash drive and Loved It!

Word is quickly spreading about the benefits of the PioData iXflash iPhone / iPad flash drive. Because the iXflash is available globally, we are getting a lot of positive feedback from customers around the world. Just recently, a popular influencer, named 3C Tim, decided to review the product on his YouTube channel and gave it an overwhelmingly positive endorsement. As you can see from the below link, 3C Tim found the many features not only beneficial, but also easy to use.


Don’t limit yourself, the iXflash extends the memory on an iPhone / iPad for longer videos and more pictures.

Most of us have experienced the dreaded storage full warning, letting us know we don’t have enough memory on our iPhone or iPad to take any more photos or videos. No matter what size device you get, there’s no way to add any additional storage. So you either give up on taking the photo or video, or you frantically try to delete and unload stored pictures, videos, and Apps to free up space. With the iXflash, you don’t have to worry about any of that.


iXflash can store and play Hi-Res Lossless audio files like flac for the ultimate music listening experience

High fidelity and lossless audio quality is becoming more popular with those that truly enjoy music or other forms of audio content. You don’t have to be an audiophile to truly appreciate the value of high quality audio. The problem is, the uncompressed lossless audio files are very large files and take up a lot of capacity on our players, which today are most typically your phone. Of course CD’s have near perfect sound quality, but it’s not always convenient to listed to CD’s. So what do you do when you want the digital quality of a CD but don’t want to lug around your entire CD collection and you don’t have the storage capacity on your phone for the full sound of lossless audio files? The solution is easy, store those files on an iXflash drive!


With the iXflash, you can transfer files between your iPhone / iPad and a computer for easy access and safe keeping 2020

Last week I shared how one could easily back-up all the pictures and videos from their iPhone or iPad onto the iXflash. But once you’ve done that, what do you do with all the saved images? It would make no sense just to back-up all your photos and videos if you couldn’t offload them onto a more secure and permanent storage location.


Don’t take any chances, back-up the photos and videos on your iPhone

Millions of people around the world have taken tons of pictures and videos with their iPhone’s or iPad’s that they never back-up from their device. I don’t need to say how risky it is not to back up those images from a mobile device that could be easily lost or stolen with no recourse. In fact, it’s been documented that approx. 70 million people lose their cell phones every year. The main reason behind no backing up photos and videos is that it’s too complicated or they don’t want to pay the fees for cloud storage.


During turbulent times like these, the IT world is focused on security and archival storage/backup, Vinpower has a solution.

The importance of backing up your data onto a 2nd and even a 3rd source is so important, there’s a day every year dedicated to it. March 31st is known as world backup day, just to bring awareness and encourage everyone to backup their digital content. Vinpower has been an advocate of multiple backups from our inception, not just because it’s part of our business structure, but because we’ve been a victim of data loss and if we hadn’t had adequate backups, we would have been in deep…let’s say we would have had big problems.


During these unprecedented times of Social Distancing, the iXflash allows you to work virtually anywhere

As most of the world is focusing on staying safe and adjusting to isolating themselves and their families, businesses are trying to find ways for their employees to work remotely in order to help stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an unprecedented time, we are all looking for ways to remain vigilant, yet safe. However, for many professionals, especially from small businesses, closing up operations for weeks or months could mean there will be no business to return to. That’s why Vinpower is focused on helping those businesses and professionals by providing tools that will allow their workers to continue to function and remain productive, even when working remotely outside the office.


In times of isolation, it’s easy to share content on optical discs to escape reality or bring everyone together.

In difficult times, CD’s and DVD’s/Blu-ray help take the edge off and transport people to happier places and times. It brings people together, even when they can’t physically be together. They give you an escape, even when there’s nowhere to go. Optical discs are the best method to store your movies and music, be it CD’s, DVD’s, or Blu-ray. Optical discs are more reliable than flash, longer shelf life than a hard drive and easy for anyone to play, just insert the disc in a player and most often it starts automatically. No searching for files, accidentally deleting them, or negotiating whether you should delete other files to make room for whatever new item you want to store.


Store large capacity hi-fidelity audio files on the iXflash instead of taking up space on your iPhone

Just like I discussed in the previous week’s email blast, high fidelity and lossless audio quality is becoming more popular with those that truly enjoy music or other forms of audio content. You don’t have to be an audiophile to truly appreciate the value of high quality audio. The problem is, the uncompressed lossless audio files are very large files and take up a lot of capacity on our players, which today are most typically your phone. Of course CD’s have near perfect sound quality, but it’s not always convenient to listed to CD’s. So what do you do when you want the digital quality of a CD but don’t want to lug around your entire CD collection and you don’t have the storage capacity on your phone for full sound of lossless audio files? The solution is easy, store those files on an iXflash drive!


Vinpower’s Ryan Swerdloff was interviewed by the world renowned Dave Graveline "As Featured on ... Into Tomorrow" at the 2020 CES exhibition

Continuing the press coverage of Vinpower during the 2020 CES tradeshow, we were fortunate to be interviewed by the host of the international radio broadcast and Tech Newsletter, “Into Tomorrow” with Dave Graveline. We discussed the various products Vinpower offers, focusing on our mobile phone flash drive and App, iXflash and introduced the upcoming iXflash Cube.


During the 2020 CES exhibition, Vinpower was featured in the popular Taiwan electronics publication, PCDIY!

During the 2020 CES exhibition, Vinpower was featured in the popular Taiwan electronics publication, PCDIY!


Vinpower Digital (偉得科技)於CES 2020展出最新iXflash系列手機完整備份方案,充電中同時備份。另有多種儲存媒體與備份產品讓大家大開眼界

Vinpower Digital (偉得科技)是一家為光學儲存拷貝系統解決方案的領導供應商,總公司位於美國加州洛杉磯,台灣分公司偉得科技位於桃園市,業務網遍佈全世界。該公司主要產品有:光學拷貝系統、拷貝控制卡研發與製造、光學拷貝自動控制、光碟列印整合方案等等,這些產品主打利基市場。其完整拷貝的高品質與高效率,榮獲業者青睞。

The End

PioData iXflash Flash Drive

PioData is no stranger to the data storage industry. Established in 2002, the company got its start as a distributor of optical drives and recordable media. PioData expanded its product lineup to include duplicators, LCD monitors and digital cameras before becoming a casualty of the highly competitive optical storage market. PioData's story does not end there though. A few years ago, Vinpower Digital re-launched the brand to fill a void left by a top Japanese manufacturer when it decided to exit the optical disc drive market. In addition to optical drives and blank media, PioData currently offers a growing number of flash based storage solutions.


The iXflash allows users to watch their movies anywhere, anytime, without compromise!

Taking a trip and need something to watch during your travels? The iXflash is the perfect travel companion! You can load it up with tons of HD, even 4KUHD, movies that you can watch through your iPhone or iPad anytime, anywhere, with no lag or distortion. The best part, you don’t even need wi-fi. During these times when airlines want you to pay for their “entertainment”, you can pull out your iXflash and watch what you want when you want!


iXflash with write protection saves your content from accidental loss and viruses.

Picture this, you backup all your pictures from your iPhone / iPad onto your iXflash. In an effort to free up space on your iPhone / iPad, you delete those images off those devices after saving them to the iXflash. Afterwards, you let someone borrow the iXflash to copy some of your images that you wanted to share. Unfortunately, they accidentally deleted all the files from the iXflash during the process, losing irreplaceable images that you hadn’t had a chance to back up onto another source yet. That could be crushing! Or worse yet, they plug the iXflash into their computer, which unbeknownst to everyone is infected with a virus or malware. They accidentally upload that virus or malware onto the iXflash, which in-turn infects your computer when you plus the iXflash into it. Next thing you know, your computer is infected just because you wanted to share some files with a friend. There’s an easy way to prevent both of these worst case scenarios from happening.


The iXflash protects your most precious memories through its simple and quick back-up feature.

We all know someone that has thousands of pictures and videos stored on their phone, it may even be you. In most cases, the pictures and videos are not protected and they take a great risk that they never lose or break their phones and lose those precious memories forever. Some add insurance by paying a monthly fee to store their personal image files on a cloud service. That works if you don’t mind throwing money out the window every month or don’t mind risking your privacy if that cloud service should be hacked and your images and videos could be compromised.


iXflash part of “Into Tomorrow” Summer prize collection

The 128GB iXflash Apple iPhone flash drive was chosen to be included in the popular radio and podcast technology talk show, Into Tomorrow with Dave Graveline.

The iXflash allows you to record, edit, and post to social media in one action without worrying about running out of memory on your iPhone or iPad!

When filming on your iPhone and iPad, don’t be limited by your dwindling memory. Vinpower’s iXflash, utilizing the Piodata iXflash App, will allow you to use the camera on your iPhone or iPad to take video without worrying about running out of memory on your phone. The reason why is that the iXflash doesn’t use your iPhone or iPad to store any of the content, not even as a buffer, so as long as you have space on your iXflash, then you have plenty of time to record in hi-def, anytime, anywhere. You don’t have to pay for expensive cloud storage or frantically try to delete older pictures and videos or other apps to make space. Just plug in the iXflash, open the App and use the camera feature to film and never miss a moment.


The All in ONE Drive for your iPhone

With the iXflash drive and App, you can perform a wide array of features through your iPhone or iPad that make’s life easier and better!


Piodata was created specifically for the duplication market to fill the void left by the top Japanese ODD manufacturers

Piodata is an offshoot of a major optical disc drive (ODD) manufacturer catering to the duplication market. With the numbers of manufacturers for the common ODD used in optical disc duplicators decreasing, Piodata has remained. Piodata filled the gap as the key tier 1 Japanese ODD factory decided to exit the market. The Piodata DVS-S21DBK and the DVS-S21DBK PLUS are readily available and remain focused on the important global duplication market.


The iXflash App offers free benefits for everyday use, even without the iXflash drive

Our phones, which is almost a misnomer these days as we tend to use our cell phones more as micro Laptops and less for talking to other people. As the smartphones become more and more powerful with greater operational capabilities, they have become an indispensable part of our lives for business and entertainment. For example, virtually everyone that owns a smartphone, utilizes the ability to send and receive emails and instant/direct messages (IM / DM). Often these messages contain attachments, including compressed files, such as the most common compressed file extensions being .ZIP, .SITX, .7Z, .RAR, and .GZ.


Vinpower’s method of adding write protection to its USB drives prevents Viruses or Malware from spreading

It’s a common occurrence nowadays when someone has contracted a virus on their computer or it was infected by malware, perhaps you’ve even personally been affected. These infestations can range from the mundane to totally catastrophic. Most often these harmful programs infect our computers through phishing emails or clicking on the wrong websites. People can often protect themselves by being aware and diligent as to what links they click on or through antivirus software. Though there is another threat that many people don’t pay close attention to, the potential risk of sharing USB flash drives. If someone using a USB flash drive has viruses or malware on their computer, they can inadvertently transfer those pests from their computer to that USB flash drive. Those viruses will lay dormant where they will wait to pounce on an unsuspecting victim who also plugs what they think to be an innocuous USB flash drive into their computer. Similar to sharing a hat with a person who has head lice, as the lice crawls from the hat of the afflicted person onto the unsuspecting victim who puts the hat on, the computer viruses will transfer onto the unsuspecting computer, infecting it and any other computers that USB drive is plugged in and opened.


The iXflash supports the FLAC audio format through its iPhone / iPad APP, even though Apple and iTunes do not

If you are an audiophile that only wants to listen to the best audio quality digital music files, then you are probably already familiar with the FLAC format. If you are not familiar, here’s a short explanation. According to the official website, “FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio,…”


Vinpower’s iXflash can now directly record live video content through your iPhone/iPad without using any memory from your iPhone/iPad

Imagine a scenario where you want to film an event, maybe your child’s 1st recital or youth sports league, and you realize you have very little memory left on your iPhone or iPad with which to record with. You don’t want to have to frantically delete content on your iPhone/iPad to free up space, possibly deleting something you didn’t intend to or hope that someone else in the audience will record the event and share it with you. You want to be able to record exactly what you want for as long as you want.

The End

Vinpower is now offering our single DVD or BD external USB3.0 PC connected drive with copy protection and burning encryption software.

Vinpower has offered DVD and Blu-ray video content copy protections for a number of years now through our range of manual towers and autoloaders. For the 1st time, we are offering a one off single source external DVD or BD/DVD writer drive connected to a computer by USB3.0 with the ability to perform the same DVD or Blu-ray copy protection. You no longer have to purchase a full tower when you just need a single drive to make a few copies or to add copy protection to a few burned discs.


The iXflash allows user to make the drive “Read Only” to prevent losing any data

Imagine this scenario, you load pictures, videos, or work documents onto a flash drive that you hand to a friend, co-worker, etc. in order to copy those files. Then picture this, that person accidentally deletes those files or even worse reformats the flash drive, losing all the content stored on the drive. Maybe you have a back-up somewhere else, so you’re not too worried. Chances are, you don’t have another back-up and you just lost all the data you had stored on that drive, all because the person you loaned it to in order to make a simple copy, could have pressed the wrong buttons.


Vinpower’s H2+ testing on our USB flash drives guarantees them to be free of potential malware and viruses!

Cyber security is one of the biggest concerns for all forms of business (big and small), education, government, etc. We constantly hear about new threats of malware and computer viruses to be on the lookout from. Typically, these breeches come from an unsuspecting person opening a contaminated email that releases the malware or virus onto the networks and wreaks havoc by either disrupting access or stealing content.


Vinpower’s line of USB flash provides the best performance and results at very aggressive pricing

USB flash media are gaining in popularity and usage amongst all those looking for faster and more reliable methods to save and share digital content. The problem is that as demand increases, the stability and reliability of the supply decreases. This imbalance is creating opportunity for those to take advantage by passing off defective, mislabeled, and low-grade USB to a marketplace looking for cheaper solutions. That’s why the Piodata line of USB flash offers the security and quality you should expect at a price that is in line with today’s standard pricing.


Vinpower continues to make improvements and update the App for the iXflash Apple iPhone and iPad Lightning flash drive

If you’ve already purchased the iXflash Lightning flash drive for your iPhone and/or iPad, we trust you have been very happy with the functionality and ease of use. However, Vinpower is never satisfied with the status quo and we are constantly challenging ourselves to make improvements and find ways to enhance the functionality of the iXflash APP. It is for that reason that we encourage our users to check for our updates on the Apple App store every 2 weeks or so to see if there is an update and to benefit from any improvements added at that time.


The iXflash can double as your traveling media library, storing tons of music, movies, work files and more for instant access anywhere.

Even though the storage capacity for iPhones and iPads are increasing, because of 4K UHD resolution, the size of the photos, videos, movies, etc. that you store on your phone are also increasing significantly. So, no matter what size iPhone or iPad you get, it’s easy to run out of space quickly.


The iXflash, which allows you to back up and add storage capacity for your Apple iPhone and iPad, is now available!

Have you ever gotten a gift for someone and you knew it is something they would love and could really use? Do you remember how difficult it was to hold onto it and wait to give it to them on the actual date the present was intended for? That’s how I’ve felt the last year or so as we’ve perfected our latest offering with the iXflash, Apple Lighting Flash drive. We completely redesigned and improved upon both the actual drive and the App used with the drive to make it the most ideal companion for anyone that has an Apple iPhone or iPad, regardless of the storage capacity.

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Piodata’s line of Pro Duplicator Optical Disc Drives (ODD) are readily available Globally!

Now that fewer personal computers come standard with optical disc drives (ODD), there are fewer and fewer manufacturers producing them. The ODD manufacturers that remain are putting less resources into maintaining the drives and are actively trying to cost down on the components used to build those drives. These factors inevitably lead to lower quality drives with a shorter life span. That’s why Vinpower has worked diligently over the years to provide our own lines of professional series Half Height Optical Disc Drives, featuring the Plextor, Optiarc, and Piodata series. Each of these drives were developed to have greater compatibility, reliability, and longevity, compared to the standard off the shelf ODD''''''''s currently on the market. These drives are perfect for building your own duplicators, replacing drives on older systems, such as manual towers, autoloaders, and publishing systems, regardless of the manufacturer, and for use with computers and high scale servers.


PioData provides the highest quality recordable optical media with the best value for the consumer.

When it comes to quality, Vinpower personally tests every flash drive through our own proprietary flash verification hardware. These systems will ensure the quality and reliability of each flash drive, which gives the customer confidence that if they purchase 100, 1000, 10,000, … flash drives, they will work and the content will not be compromised. Vinpower would never offer a flash drive which is marked as a certain size, but in reality can only hold a much smaller volume of content. When Vinpower validates a flash drive as being a certain size, you can rest assured that the drive meets the specifications to qualify. Accuracy ensures reliability, which provides stability, which ensures that each flash drive will meet the high standard Vinpower has set for this project. Typically, when people hear quality, they think that’s synonymous with expensive. Vinpower has and continues to be a leader in matching quality and affordability. This happens two ways:


Piodata was created specifically for the duplication market to fill the void left by the top Japanese ODD manufacturers

faster through higher grade IC heat sink kit. *Available on the DVR-S21DBK-PLUS model only.

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